By Roy Lie Atjam
The theme, “Pulih Lebih Cepat, Bangkit Lebih Kuat” Recover Fast, Rise up Stronger!
The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the Netherlands organised a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate its 77th anniversary of independence.
The ceremony was at the International Sekolah Indonesia in Wassenaar on 17th August 2022. Not even the inclement rain was able to dampen the enthusiasm of the patriots. Congratulations to H.E. Ambassador Mayerfas and the Indonesian people on this joyous day.
Scores of Indonesian nationals and people of Indonesian descent joined in the annual solemn flag hoisting ceremony, the enactments of the independence proclamation(proklamasi) and jollification afterwards.

On the program was a captivating presentation of students outfitted in their immaculate white uniforms.
Another item on the program, Ambassador Mayerfas, conferred distinctions and awards on individuals who have rendered supplementary service to Indonesia.
Independence Day celebration 2022 has been an eventful-and delightful day.