Home Travel Karabakh football team

Karabakh football team
















By Narmina Madanova.

Obviously, football is a team sport.  How many followers Promotes teamwork, discipline and peace!

Refugees ‘and IDPs’ kids and grandkids who have lost their grandpas, fathers and so on during war are united around the sport supporting peace and the local team from Aghdam Karabakh who played against Sporting Portugal in UEFA.

They might have lost their very close and distant relatives during Armenian aggression, but they have not lost the hope that one day their football team, Karabakh will be bootable to play in their local city Aghdam.

These kids are like any other kids from Portugal, France, England, Germany or Italy, but without the right to a home country-which is Aghdam and under occupation for 25 years.

Karabakh Kids Football Team.

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