Home Breaking News ICC Appeals Chamber maintains Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé in custody

ICC Appeals Chamber maintains Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé in custody


ICC Appeals Chamber maintains Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé in custody and convenes a hearing on their detention on 1 February 2019

The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or ”Court”), by majority, Judge Howard Morrison and Judge Piotr Hofmański dissenting, decided that Mr Laurent Gbagbo and Mr Charles Blé Goudé shall remain in ICC custody pending the Appeals Chamber’s decision on the Prosecution’s Appeal against the decision of ICC Trial Chamber I in relation to the release of Mr Laurent Gbagbo and Mr Charles Blé Goudé following their acquittal.

The Appeals Chamber suspended the effect of Trial Chamber I’s decision to release Mr Laurent Gbagbo and Mr Charles Blé Goudé and scheduled a hearing on 1 February 2019 to hear further submissions on the appeal, and ordered the submission of the appeal brief of the Prosecutor no later than 23 January 2019 as well as responses thereto from Mr Gbagbo, Mr Blé Goudé and the victims participating in the proceedings no later than 29 January 2019.

Decision on the Prosecutor’s request for suspensive effect of her appeal under article 81(3)(c)(ii) of the Statute and directions on the conduct of the appeal proceedings


Dissenting Opinion of Judge Morrison and Judge Hofmański in respect of the decision on suspensive effect

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