Home Culture & Events Westphalian Peace Prize for Tsipras and Zaev

Westphalian Peace Prize for Tsipras and Zaev

Former premiers Zaev and Tsipras - Picture by INTERNATIONALE PREIS DES WESTFÄLISCHEN FRIEDENS 2020

2020, Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia:  The International Peace Prize of the Peace of Westphalia goes to Alexis Tsipras (Hellenic Republic), Zoran Zaev (Republic of North Macedonia) and Plant-for-the-Planet

As announced by the the Economic Society for Westphalia and Lippe (WWL). The politicians are honoured for their agreement in the Macedonian name dispute. The children and youth of Plant-for-the-Planet receive the award for their active involvement against climate change. The award ceremony shall take place on 19 September 2020 in the City Hall of Münster.

The prize money inamount of 100.000 Euro – donated by the board of trustees, that is, Westphalian entrepreneurial personalities. The latter sum is traditionally divided amongst the awardees.

Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev ended through their agreement the decades long of conflict over the name -North- Macedonia and thereby contributed to the stability in the whole Balkan region. 
On 12 February 2019, Macedonia took the state of ‘Republic of North Macedonia’;- thus an over three decades of bitter conflict between the neighbours was settled. Hitherto Greece had not accepted the country name Macedonia, as a region in the north of
own country is also called thus. 
 “Without Tsipras and Zaev, the name dispute would not have ended, and the feud would continue to destabilise the entire Balkan region” said Chairman Dr. Reinhard Zinkann as per statement below. 

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In the main image, former premiers Zaev and Tsipras – Picture by INTERNATIONALE PREIS DES WESTFÄLISCHEN FRIEDENS 2020

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