Home Business & Trade Ambassadors-in-dialogue in RLP

Ambassadors-in-dialogue in RLP


Friday, 18 September 2020, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany: Premier of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer welcomed the participants in the new series of events entitled “Ambassadors in Dialogue” organised by the German Asia-Pacific Business Association’s (Ostasistische Verein – OAV) branch located in Mainz under the chairmanship of Singapore’s Ambassador to Germany, Laurence Bay

The Hamburg-based association selected Rhineland-Palatinate as the first federal state for its new event format. A total of twelve  ambassadors hailing from Brunei (Ambassador Pengiran Hajah Krtini Pengiran Haji Tahir),Indonesia (Ambassador Dr Arif Havas Oegroseno) , Cambodia (Ambassador Phen Savny)Laos (Ambassador Phomma Boutthavong)Malaysia (Ambassador Datin Sarah Nava Rani Al Bakri Devadason)Mongolia(Ambassador Ganbat Damba)Myanmar (Ambassador Yin Yin Myint)New Zealand (Ambassador Rupert Holborow), Philippines (Ambassador Maria Theresa Dizon-de Vega), Singapore (Ambassador Laurence Bay), Sri Lanka(Ambassador Manori Premila Unabuwe) and Viêtnam (Ambassador Dr. Nguyễn Minh Vũ) partook in the event, which was organised in cooperation with the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economy.

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In order to become acquainted to the state and especially its economy better, the ambassadors spent two days in Rhineland-Palatinate visiting various companies.

The evening event provided an opportunity for numerous company representatives of both large and many medium-sized companies from Rhineland-Palatinate with strong economic ties to the Asian region to establish direct contacts with the ambassadors of individual countries.

Premier Dreyer pointed out the differentiated economic structure in Rhineland-Palatinate. Rhineland-Palatinate was a state with global players such as SchottBoehringer and BASF, all of whom were represented at the event.

“We also have very strong medium-sized companies which form the backbone of our economy. These are often second or third generation family businesses with 10, 50 or 100 employees”, said Premier Malu Dreyer as per statement linked below in its original German language version.

Among them are “hidden champions” who have established themselves as leaders on the world market.

For further information 
Government of Rhineland-Palatinate: https://www.rlp.de/de/service/pressemeldungen/einzelansicht/news/News/detail/ministerpraesidentin-malu-dreyer-asien-hat-rheinland-pfalz-im-fokus-grosses-interesse-am-innovativen/

German Asia-Pacific Business Association: https://www.oav.de/en/events/current-events.html

Picture by Embassy of Singapore in Berlin.

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