Home Culture & Events ICC hosts Third Asia-Pacific Forum of The Hague

ICC hosts Third Asia-Pacific Forum of The Hague

ICC Asia-Pacific Forum

On 17 July 2021, the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or the “Court”) hosted the Third Asia-Pacific Forum of The Hague via online format bringing together judges and staff from the Court, and around 200 students and young professionals from the Asia-Pacific region. The event was co-organised by the ICC and The Hague Project Peace and Justice.

The event facilitated a dialogue on enhancing the contribution of international justice for the Asia-Pacific region as well as encouraging students and young professionals from the region to consider a career in the field of international justice. Out of the 123 States Parties to the Rome Statute, 19 are Asia-Pacific States.

“Despite the important contributions of the Asia Pacific, we do not have enough staff members from the region at the Court and we would really like to see that situation change in the future. We also hope that more people from the Asia-Pacific region come to work with us – it would help spread the understanding of the ICC, and over time, contribute to interest in and joining the Rome Statute among those States that have not yet done so,” said ICC President Judge Piotr Hofmański.

The first session of the Forum was reserved for presentations of ICC Judge Chang-ho Chung and Judge Tomoko Akane, who spoke on the topic of “Enhancing the Contribution of International Justice for the Asia-Pacific Region.”

In the second session of the Forum, ICC staff from the Asia-Pacific region addressed the topic of “A Career in International Criminal Justice,” by sharing their individual career perspectives and experiences with participants.

This Forum forms part of a broader effort to enhance global understanding and support for the Rome Statute and the Court and to promote cooperation at the regional level. These include the organization of or participation in high-level regional cooperation seminars and symposiums, technical events and workshops aimed at Government leaders and officials, parliamentarians, members of the judiciary, academics and civil society representatives.

VIDEO – Third Asia-Pacific Forum of The Hague

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