Home Diplomatic News 105th Independence Day of Azerbaijan in Berlin

105th Independence Day of Azerbaijan in Berlin

Cover pictures: Members of the diplomatic corps from left to right -all ambassadors unless otherwise noted: Lanka Varuni Muthukumarana (Sri Lanka); Hong Kyun Kim (Korea); Dr. Nurlan Onzhanov (Kazakhstan); Ahmet Başar Şen (Türkiye); Dr. Mohammad Faisal (Pakistan); Matthias Lüttenberg (German Foreign Office); Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Dr. Nikola Eterović (Holy See); Deputy Head of Mission - UAE Embassy, Khalfan Al Matrooshi. Azerbaijan's reception in Berlin - 105 years of statehood.

Wednesday, 24 May 2023, Berlin-Tiergarten, Germany: The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Germany organised a large-scale event dedicated to Independence Day at the Azerbaijan Cultural Centre. Numerous members of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag), high-ranking representatives of Germany’s state institutions, ambassadors of foreign states, representatives of the mass media, personalities from the fields of science and culture, as well as members of Azerbaijani, Turkish and other communities resident in Germany – more than 500 guests in total – attended the event.

The national anthems of Azerbaijan and Germany were played first at the event. Afterwards, the guests were treated to a short film prepared by the Embassy on the occasion of Independence Day.

The Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Germany, Nasimi Aghayev, pointed out that the Azerbaijani people established the first republic in the Muslim world 105 years ago. The ambassador stressed that the republic had achieved many successes, highlighting in particular the introduction of women’s suffrage in 1919. He noted that the republic, which ceased to exist in 1920, was restored with the renewed declaration of independence in 1991.

Ambassador Nasimi Aghayev addresses the audience.

The ambassador referred to the great achievements of National Leader Heydar Aliyev in establishing modern Azerbaijani statehood and the rapid development path of Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, as well as the importance of ensuring the territorial integrity of the country from the point of view of statehood as a result of the 44-day war of 2020.

At the event, Ambassador Matthias Lüttenberg, Federal Foreign Office Commissioner for Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, delivered a congratulatory speech on behalf of the German government on Independence Day. In his speech, he expressed his satisfaction with the dynamic development of Azerbaijani-German relations.

The guests were delighted by the samples of Azerbaijani and international jazz music performed by the Caucasian Consort under the direction of Tural Ismayilov, a musician living in Germany. In addition, Said and Aziza Ibrahimli performed Azerbaijani dances and young people demonstrated the national costumes. Delicious dishes from the national Azerbaijani cuisine were offered to the guests. The stage decorated with national ornaments was received with great interest.

For further information 

Embassy of Azerbaijan in Germany: https://berlin.mfa.gov.az/de/news/3992/unabhangigkeitstag-in-berlin-gross-gefeiert

Pictures by Embassy of Azerbaijan in Germany

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