One decade down; ten years is just the beginning
By Roy Lie Atjam
Diplomat Magazine recently celebrated a significant milestone, marking ten years of publishing in style. The event featured a violin concert by Bomsori Kim, accompanied by the Residentie Orkest, playing pieces from Tchaikovsky & Prokofiev at the grand Amare theatre in The Hague on Friday, November 10th, 2023.
The magazine was established by diplomats, for diplomats, with a mission of supporting diplomatic efforts, promoting their country’s policies and accomplishments.
Over the years, Diplomat Magazine has taken centre stage, a prominent player in diplomatic activities and affairs in The Hague, with both a print and online edition. This 10th year anniversary is just the beginning of their continued success.

A slate of ambassadors and diplomats attended the festive celebration. The list of attendees is as follows, Ambassadors of: Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Cuba, El Salvador, Egypt, Estonia, Guatemala, Ivory Coast, Kosovo, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Panama, Philippines, Peru, Slovenia, South Africa, and Uruguay. Diplomats of various embassies including Azerbaijan, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Dominican Republic.
Several notable figures attended the event, including Prof. Dr J.A. Bruijn, the President of the Senate of the Netherlands, H.E. Ms. Sahar Ghanem, the Ambassador of Yemen and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, and the Mayor of Den Haag, Mr. Jan van Zanen. Mr. Sven Arne Tepl, Director of the Residentie Orkest, also gave a speech. All the speakers praised Diplomat Magazine for its indelible contributions. Below are some quotes from their speeches.
The Dean “Dear Mayelinne, dear Roy and Diplomat Magazine team, for me and many others, The Hague would be different if you were not here. You play a visible role in the success of diplomacy efforts and making The Hague a place where many diplomats consider their favorite station.
Knowing that you are available and ready to help whenever we need is of a tremendous relief. From me, from fellow current colleagues and many departed ambassadors whom I know would love to be here to share with you this special occasion, congratulations and wish you many many more years to come full of achievements, reflected in numbers and hearts.”
President of the Senate “I greatly value the meetings I have with you, because it is an opportunity to – for instance – discuss the importance of protecting our rule of law, the state of our politics, and these days also the conflicts that divide many parts of the world.
Dutch diplomat and poet Constantijn Huygens, who lived and worked in the The Hague of the 17th century, wrote – and I have translated it off the cuff, the original is of course far better balanced and poetic…
The times were angry, and are, and will be
I do not see change at hand for the world
Turn around your hourglass, it seems a new being
But it runs as it ran, and it’s all the same sand.
Or, as the French say: tout ça change, tout ça reste la même chose.
They are the words of the experienced diplomat. But as the politician that I am, there is no other way than to add hope. Hope that change for the better is coming at last, and hope that conflicts, or in the words of Huygens – anger – one day will be defeated. That hope is what keeps us all going, diplomats and politicians alike! Ladies and gentlemen, to the editors of the Diplomat Magazine I would like to say: thank you for your continuous efforts to open up Dutch society and politics for an international audience.
Please know, that your efforts are highly appreciated! Congratulations are in order on this occasion, but I hope that you will also feel the incentive to continue with your valuable work of bringing the Dutch and international communities closer together.”
The mayor “Mayelinne and her staff are a great support to us in that respect. Indeed, the international community in The Hague is well-served with Diplomat Magazine, its website and newsletter which, together, provide an effective communication platform. A very important platform for The Hague’s diplomatic circles.Therefore, in addition to our congratulations, a word of wholehearted thanks is certainly due here.
A word of thanks, on behalf of the municipality, for Diplomat Magazine’s contribution to The Hague, international city of peace and justice. A contribution we should certainly not underestimate. I very much hope that you will carry on with this magnificent and important work. It makes The Hague a city of even greater international allure.”
Kosovo Embassy Tweeted “ Diplomat magazine has become an indispensable part of our daily routine and a resource for diplomats based in The Hague. Keep inspiring positive changes. Happy anniversary.
Indeed, one decade down; ten years is just the beginning. Without any question, it has been a splendorous evening!