Home Business & Trade Multinational Corporations, Geopolitics and Business Diplomacy

Multinational Corporations, Geopolitics and Business Diplomacy


Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs.

On 12 December, the Egmont Institute in Brussels will be the venue of a seminar on Multinational Corporations in a Geopolitically Dynamic World: How to Shape Business Diplomacy Competencies in Practice. The seminar is co-organized by the Clingendael Institute, Ghent University, and Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, and co-sponsored by Aramco Overseas Company.* It builds on the findings of a special issue on Business Diplomacy of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy (2014:4).

This seminar will bring together businessmen, other practitioners and experts to deepen the understanding of how MNCs can shape Business Diplomacy competencies. Geopolitical change demands a move away from a shareholders perspective to a stakeholders approach. Firms are no governments, but they need executives with skill sets similar to those of effective diplomats. By adopting a more ‘diplomatic mind set’, companies will be able to manage ever-expanding international geopolitical risks, safeguard profit-making and secure their existence in the long haul.

Participation is free of charge, but places are limited. Registration is required. Please write to: Jennifer.Kesteleyn@ugent.be.

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