Home Culture & Events Fundraising for the NHS by Boris Saxe-Coburg

Fundraising for the NHS by Boris Saxe-Coburg

image the artwork by Boris Saxe Coburg

Main image the artwork by Boris Saxe Coburg.

Artist Boris Saxe-Coburg (Prince Boris of Bulgaria, The Prince of Tirnovo) is fundraising for NHS Charities Together.

The purpose of this campaign is to raise funds not only for those affected directly by the Covid-19 virus, but to relieve the pressure from the other hospital branches that have also been affected indirectly. His take on this fundraiser are his artworks i.e. sculptures. At the end of the campaign, on 30th June this sculpture below shall be given to the highest overall donors.

Baroness Olympia von Woellwarth-Lauterburg, Boris Saxe-Coburg, Royal Bridges’ Managing Director Henri Estramant – Credit to Metamorphosis Art Projects (https://www.facebook.com/metamorphosisartprojects/)

To support his initiative please follow this link:


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