The Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to Ukraine in cooperation with the Embassy of Croatia and the Embassy of Romania jointly organized the International Online Conference, “Covid-19 pandemic in the context of humanitarian crisis: Eastern Ukrainian situation and international experience”, on 4 and 5 February 2021.
Globally, during 2020 there have been more than 90 000 000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including almost 2 000 000 deaths. At the beginning of 2021, the number of confirmed Covid 19 cases continues to grow. Global sanitary situation is a matter of strong concern around the world.
Unfortunately, it is even more dramatic in the contexts of the existing humanitarian crisis. One of these delicate scenarios unfolding in the Eastern Ukraine, which is already ravaged by six years of armed conflicts.

Representatives of the Ukrainian government, international organizations and specialists were invited to the dialogue to testify directly about the situation and exchange information. The event aimed at informing on the current epidemic COVID -19 situation in Ukraine and especially in its Eastern regions, to highlight the new criticisms and needs in the evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic in the areas, aggravated by severe humanitarian crisis. Jointly the necessary measures were highlighted and the exchange of experience between national and international guests was launched.
The discussion about the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination in Ukraine and the roadmap of possible future strategies was set.
Special thanks were given to the Swiss Institute of Cultural Diplomacy and Diplomat Magazine for their support.
Images courtesy of the Swiss Institute of Cultural Diplomacy