Heads of government – Serge Telle (Monaco), Antoni Martí (Andorra) and Nicola Renzi (San Marino) – Picture by Govern d’Andorra.
Tuesday, 21 November 2017, Principality of Andorra: Andorran Premier Antoni Martí convened a trilateral summit in his homeland to discuss the current state of negotiations of Monaco, Andorra and San Marino vis-à-vis the EU in order to reach an association agreement. All in all, the three-hours meeting focused on finding common ground amongst the three micro-states in order to act stronger together during negotiations.

All three leaders highlighted their conviction for the European project as well as the advantages that access to the common market ought to bring to young people, to banks owing to access to liquidity as well as the elimination of tariffs and bureaucratic procedures for exports. They likewise aim at revitalising, open and diversify the markets of the three negotiating states through access to the Common Market.
This summit took place in the presence of the three heads of government of the respective micro-states, namely Antoni Martí as host in Andorra, the State Secretary for Foreign, Political and Justice Affairs of San Marino, Nicola Renzi as well as the Minister of State of Monaco, Serge Telle. Also in attendance were the Andorran Foreign Minister Maria Ubach Font, the Counsellor for External Affairs and Cooperation of Monaco, Gilles Tonelli, the Director for European Affairs of San Marino, Luca Brandi, the Sammarinese Permanent Representative to the EU, Antonella Benedettini as well as the Andorran Ambassador to Monaco and San Marino, Enric Tarrado.
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