Schilderswijk Mothers wins Kartiniprijs Municipality of The Hague
The Hague, March 8, 2015
850 visitors celebrated International Women’s Day in the Louwman Museum in The Hague, with the central theme “Roadmap2Freedom. None other than Jörgen Raymann opened the event with the presentation of the City of Pearls. The various workshops include Annemarie van Gaal, Blackbird Moistra, Jens van Tricht, Kaat Bulbs and rapper Diggy Dex were very popular.
The Hague Women’s Day celebration was concluded by Councillor Karsten Klein with the installation of the new Auditing Committee Emancipation and the presentation of the Kartiniprijs. This municipal emancipation prize was won by Project Schilderswijk Mothers. For more information see
The celebration is an initiative of the municipality of The Hague in cooperation with Stichting Sarita, PEP Hague, Kaabassi Foundation, COC Haaglanden and Foundation Yasmin.