By John Bierlee, Tax Department BIR, Asian Development Bank.
Are you satisfied with the current good governance and integrity policy in your country?
This question often leads to reflection. Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility are essential policy components of any modern government and business. Integrity coupled with an active personnel policy ensures a strong backbone against the temptations of legal abuse or corruption.
Although the constitutions of many countries are clear in promoting good governance and combatting corruption, still the implementation of a sustainable policy remains behind expectations. Many countries believe that integrity, transparency and responsible government are essential for the development of any country. It is the core of all functioning democracies, and a precondition for effective service delivery to citizens.
This is easier said than done. Solely paying attention to the repressive side of the coin is not enough. It is equally important to develop effective preventive policies to promote and nurture good governance and integrity. Fortunately over the last years we have seen an increasing awareness that with a culture of good governance, democracies will become strong and trust in government high.

Based on a wide range of training programmes Henk Bruning recently published the book ‘To Be Honest…Finding Inspiration and Integrity in Public Service and Business’. The programmes in different countries are part of the anti corruption strategy en Rule of Law & Security programmes. Participants are elected political leaders, high managers and HRM officials. As a high official of the Albanian Ministry of State and Local Issues stated: “The book ‘To Be Honest…’ absolutely is a good toolkit that can help governments and institutions to fight corruption successfully”.
It became clear that everyone meets moral dilemmas and that responsible governance is not a utopia, but a strong wish. Modern government depends on a constructive, loyal but critical collaboration between elected officials and professional civil servants. With Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) business companies could be partners in reducing corruption. Integrity is not only one’s individual responsibility for moral justice, but stimulates an open culture and a binding organizational structure that encourages people to act effectively and morally just. Like a cook, you need a recipe how to apply good governance and CSR in public organizations and companies. Looking in the kitchen of your colleagues you learn from daily practice in different countries.
Good governance, CSR and integrity keep sensitive issues on the international agenda. That’s why a diplomatic but consistent approach is needed to enrich the policy of your country to keep the confidence of your citizens. Knowing the art to be honest.
Title: To Be Honest… Finding Inspiration and Integrity in Public Service and Business
162 pages
ISBN: 978-94-9106-12-4
Henk Bruning, author
International expert and trainer Integrity, Good Governance/CSR and HRM
+31 65515 79 16