Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Wonders of Upper Nubia

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English lecture on historical landmarks in Sudan


The public will be welcomed by His Excellency Mohamed Elhassan Ibrahim Hassan, the Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan. This is followed by the lecture of 90 minutes. At the end there is opportunity to pose questions and to purchase the book with a signing.


Lion Temple - Copy (2)
Northern Piramides of Meroë


On Wednesday 17th of June 2015 Dutch Egyptologist Huub Pragt will present a lecture in the International Press Centre Nieuwspoort in The Hague entitled ‘The Wonders of Upper Nubia’. The lecture is organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan. The event will take place to the occasion of the recent publication of the book ‘Opper-Nubië’. This book is written in Dutch and is the result of collaboration between photographer Hans Schoens and Egyptologist Huub Pragt. It is the first volume in a series called Rijk der Farao’s (Empire of the Pharaohs).

The historical region of Upper Nubia is located in present-day Sudan. It has been for much of its history part of ancient Egypt. The vast area along the river Nile was ruled over many centuries by powerful Pharaohs. However, the area always retained a private status. For many centuries Egypt and Nubia lived in a rather tensed relationship.


Northern Piramides of Meroë - Copy
Leon Temple


It is only from the beginning of the 20th century that archaeologists showed interest in the area of Upper Nubia. During excavation work increasing evidence came to light that Nubian culture had its own identity.

The first cultural high light took place around 2000 BC at the city of Kerma, south of the third cataract in the Nile. The second great flourishing period was the time of the Egyptian domination during the New Kingdom. The religious capital Napata was built at the foot of the holy table mountain ‘Gebel Barkal’. In their temples the Nubians honored the Egyptian god Amon. Even after the withdrawal of the Egyptians from the Nubian territory, the Nubian culture lived on with the succession of many black Pharaohs. The most important center was located at the southern city of Meroe, where many prominent pyramids were built.

Start: 08:00 pm.

Cost: Free.

Location: International Press Center Nieuwspoort, Lange Poten 10, the Hague.

Registration: not required. The lecture hall has a capacity of 70 seats.




















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