Bhutans’ PM Tshering Tobgay and PM Xavier Bettel, Luxembourg. Picture by Luc Deflorenne SIP.
On 22 September 2015: Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay and his wife Tashi Doma were in Luxembourg for a working visit.
He was received by his Luxembourgian counterpart, Xavier Bettel, for a meeting and a working lunch at the Hôtel de Bourgogne. The bilateral talks were focused on international cooperation and tourism towards Bhutan.

In the late afternoon, Prime Minister Tobgay and his wife were also granted an audience by HRH The Grand Duke of Luxembourg.
Formally the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of Bhutan established diplomatic relations in December 2011, however, as of yet the Bhutanese mission based in Brussels is not accredited to Luxembourg.
Nevertheless, HE Ambassador Sonam Tshong accredited to Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, the EU and the OPCW, accompanied his head of government during the visit to Luxembourg.
Hitherto the diplomatic interest of the two countries have been looked after from the respective embassies based in New Delhi, Republic of India.
For more information:
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay: www.tsheringtobgay. com/