On the picture Dr. Whiteman and Franciscus I, Pontifex Maximus – Picture by Government of Curaçao.
By Baron Henri Estramant
Roma, September 2015: Minister-President of Curaçao, Dr. Ben Whiteman accompanied by Curaçao’s Minister Plenipotentiary to the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (resident in The Hague), Ms Marvelyne Wiels, the Bishop of Willemstad, Mgr Secco Luigino and Pastor Curtis Meris, paid a courtesy visit to His Royal Highness Ambassador Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, Ambassador on behalf of the Dutch government to the Holy See.
The latter was duly decorated the former during the occasion.
Minister-President Dr. Whiteman was in Roma and the Vatican City-State for a private audience with His Holiness the Bishop of Rome, Franciscus I, which took place on 16 September. The visit was arranged by the Dutch mission to the Holy See.

Ambassador Jaime de Bourbon de Parme is a son of HRH Princess Irene of the Netherlands and the late Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, Carlo Ugo. He pursued his tertiary studies at Brown University (Rhode Island, USA), and finished them with a Master in International Economics and Conflict Management at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA (MA).
In February 2014, HRH Ambassador Prince Jaime (Giacomo) de Bourbon de Parme was appointed head of mission to the Holy See. On 15 July 2014, he was sworn in to ambassadorship by his cousin HM King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.
On 25 and 26 September, Ambassador Prince Giacomo and his wife Viktória, Count and Countess of Bardi, also partook in ceremonies bestowing the dynastic orders of the House of Parma to meriting citizens of Parma and Piacenza at the Farnese Palace in Piacenza. The ceremonies were led by his older brother and incumbent titular Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, Prince Carlo Saviero (Carlos Javier) de Bourbon de Parme.
For more information:
Government of Curaçao: www.gobiernu.cw/web/site.nsf/web/home?opendocument
Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Curaçao (The Hague): www.vertegenwoordigingcuracao.nl/
Embassy of The Netherlands to the Holy See: http://vaticaanstad.nlambassade.org/#slide-1
Royal and Ducal House “Bourbon-Parma”: www.borboneparma.it/index.php/it/
The Holy See/Vatican City-State: w2.vatican.va/content/vatican/en.html
Farnese Palace – Piacenza: www.palazzofarnese.piacenza.it/