By Ivens Signorini, Trade, Investment and Tourism Office at the Embassy of Brazil to The Netherlands.
Officially designated as U-27, Navio Escola Brasil or “NE Brasil” is a frigate of the Brazilian Navy used to give field training for young officers to be graduated by the Brazilian Navy Academy. The 130-metres long ship travels every year to a number of ports and countries around the world.

In 2015, the NE “BRASIL” departed from Rio de Janeiro on July 26th and is travelling the following itinerary: Natal (BR), Funchal (PT); Toulon (FR); Civitavecchia (IT); Valencia (ES); Lisbon (PT); Rotterdam (NL); Hamburg (DE); London (UK); Rouen (FR); New York (US); Jacksonville (US); Cartagena (CO); Guayaquil (EC); Callao (PE); Valparaiso (CL); Mar del Plata (AR); Montevideo (UY).
Following the Brazilian Navy tradition, NE “BRASIL” organised upon its arrival a cocktail reception onboard in the evening of September 19th. With about 250 guests, the event brought together Dutch authorities, representatives of companies doing business with Brazil and Brazilian expats living in the Netherlands.
Moored at the Cruise Terminal of Rotterdam, the NE “BRASIL” event was all about celebrating its visit to the Netherlands and offering a glance of the Brazilian hospitality at the very heart of Rotterdam.
HE Ambassador Paragibe dos Santos Tarragô attended the function alongside members of his embassy staff.
Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil to The Netherlands (Ambassador Piragibe dos Santos Tarragô):
Consulate General of Brazil in Rotterdam (Consul General Alexandre Gueiros):
Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce: