Residentie orkest in conjunction with Diplomat magazine present Symphonic Friday
By Roy Lie A Tjam
Diplomat Magazine, in conjunction with Residentie Orkest, invited Ambassadors and their spouses to the Symphonic Friday at the Zuiderstrand theater on 4 December.
For a Kim Vermaat’s photo album of the concert, please click here:

Residentie Orkest artistic director Roland Kieft delivered the welcome remarks. Concertmaster Lucian-Leonard Raiciof played on a violin manufactured by Stradivarius.

What is the secret of this most famous of violin-makers? The renowned Dutch violin-maker Jaap Bolink recounted a short biography of grand master Stradivarius, and demonstrated the unique features of this particular violin. Subsequently, Lucian-Leonard Raiciof, played Stradivarius in Saint-Saëns -Violin Concerto No. 3, Berlioz – Symphony fantastique. Alan Buribayev, replacing chief-conductor emeritus Neeme Jarvis who is recuperating from a fractured shoulder, was the conductor. The concert was breathtaking and the audience elated. There is one more symphonic Friday to go for 2015.
