Baron Henri Estramant and the Honourable Mr Kadri Veseli, Chairman of the Parliament of Kosovo looks with satisfaction to the article of HE Mimoza Ahmetaj, Ambassador of Kosovo to the EU, Belgium and Luxembourg published on Diplomat Magazine.
City Hall of Brussels, Wednesday, 17 February 2016: Kosovo fêted the eight anniversary of its independence with much elegance and amidst rather prominent guests including a visiting Kosovar delegation headed by The Honourable Kadri Veseli, Speaker of Parliament, deputising for the Mayor of Brussels, Yvan Mayeur, the alderman Philippe Close (in charge of finances, human resources and tourism), or celebrity pastry chef Michael Lewis-Anderson.
Host, H.E. Ambassador Mimoza Ahmetaj, treated her guests, who hailed from a plethora of EU institutions but likewise from federal Belgian authorities and heads of missions to the EU and to Belgium, to a delectable buffet of Kosovar dishes as well as a selection of smoked and white Sabaja beers and a cake specially baked with the Kosovar colours and symbols for the soirée.

For more information:
Embassy of Kosovo to the EU, Belgium and Luxembourg, H.E. Ambassador Mimoza Ahmetaj: be/?page=1,8,291
National Assemby of Kosovo, Speaker Kadri Veseli: www.kuvendikosoves. org/?cid=2,102,901
Sabaja Beers: