On the picture the spouses of ambassadors of Malaysia, Syarizan Adzlinda Mohd Zin; Naima Shennib Swessi from Libya, Nadine Rushdy from Egypt, Veronique Miclea from Peru, Reem Al Mufleh from Jordan, Tatsiana Barysevich from Belarus, Roy Lie Tjam from Diplomat Magazine, Despina Christodoulidou from Cyprus, Fabiola Soto from Mexico, Rym Ben Bécher from Tunisia and Eefje Rabelink from the Residentie Orkest.
By Roy Lie A Tjam.
Early on the bright spring morning of Friday 18 March, a group of ASA ladies responded favorably to the call by the Philharmonic Orchestra The Hague (RO), in conjunction with Diplomat Magazine, to attend a rehearsal at the magnificent Zuiderstrantheater on the banks of the Scheveningen beach.
That very evening the orchestra was going to perform Mendelssohn symphony nr. 1, Schumann cello concert and Verhelst symphony in e.
Conductor Jan-Willem de Vriend personally welcomed the ASA members, adding a special touch to the event. After the rehearsal, Eefje of the Zuiderstrandtheater took the group on a tour of the theatre. By all accounts, the visit to the Philharmonic Orchestra The Hague rehearsal was a wonderful experience.

For additional Marian van Noort’s pictures, please click here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121611753@N07/albums/72157666052588226