Mrs. Wenci Li and husband H. E. Xu Chen.
By Roy Lie A Tjam.
The diplomatic community in The Hague turned out in full force to bid farewell to H.E. Mr. Xu Chen Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China and his wife Mrs. Wenci Li. The reception took place at the Embassy on the 13th April 2016 where Ambassador Xu Chen vividly recalled his first moments when he and his wife landed in The Hague exactly this time three years ago.
The sun was shining and all the flowers in bloom, he also reflected upon how his time in The Hague has been a pleasant one, however, like with all pleasant things the time has come for him to bid farewell to the Netherlands. Ambassador Xu Chen held his valediction address commenting specifically on Gratitude, Confidence and Win-win.

Gratitude – Ambassador Xu Chen, thanked The Hague for what he has experienced and expressed his gratitude to the Netherlands for their fruitful cooperation and hospitality. He then went on thank the Embassy staff for their relentless and imperative support, his fellow ambassadors, the Chinese business community and finally the students, highlighting how they play an important role because they are future Ambassadors.

Confidence – The centuries long relationship between the two countries will continue to flourish and the bilateral and multilateral relations will be further strengthened. Meaningful cooperation will be translated into prosperity and China will continue to strive for a better and stable world economy.
Win-Win – Lets join hands and work together towards a stable and prosperous world. China will do well despite of the difficult period she is currently experiencing.
A reception and dinner-buffet concluded the evening.
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