On the picture HRH Princess Léa of Belgium and H.E. Chris Hoornaert.
Under the High Patronage of HRH Princess Léa of Belgium, CIDIC (Cercle International Diplomatique et Consulaire – Centre Européen de Diplomatie Economique) and DEA (Diplomatic, Economic and Academic) visited the Netherlands from 10 – 12 May 2016. This on the occasion of the Dutch Presidency of the EU Council.
CIDIC was founded in 2010; it has over 650 members and sympathisers. HRH Princess Léa of Belgium is the Honorary chairperson of CIDIC The Board of Directors is made up of: Baron Ernest Laminne de Bex, President; Mr Paul van der Vloet, vice president; Mr Christian Mouvet, Secretary General and Treasurer and Mr Frederic the Pryck, Chairman of the Executive Committee.
For additional Hester Dijsktra’s pictures, please open the following link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121611753@N07/albums/72157668901179196

The CIDIC-DEA mission visit aimed at bringing together Dutch and Belgian entrepreneurs, businesses and universities, in order to deliver real diplomatic, economic and academic scope to the Dutch EU Presidency. After The Netherlands, there will be a CIDIC-DEA missions to Slovakia.In 2017, missions are envisaged to Malta and the United Kingdom.
While in the Netherlands, members of the mission participated in an extensive but very interesting 3 days program. On the first day, 10 May there has been a session at The Hague Security Delta campus.
The program featured:
Innovation Quarter, an opening session graced by the presence of HRH Princess Léa of Belgium. Many speeches and presentations followed.
H.E. Mr Chris Hoornaert, Belgium’s Ambassador in The Netherlands, Mr Pascal Goergen of FEDRA (Federation of European Regional Actors), Mrs Kris Dejonckheere, and General Secretary of UNICA (European Capitals’ universities network).
Province of South Holland, Jean-Christophe Spapens gave a brief presentation.
Innovation Quarter of the session, Ms Lissa Culbertson Boxy. Innovation Quarter is the regional economic development agency for the South Holland province in the Netherlands. The mission of Innovation Quarter is to strengthen the regional economy by supporting and stimulating the innovation potential of the area. In close cooperation with all the key corporations, educational and research institutions – like the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Delft University of Technology and Leiden University – and government organisations, Innovation Quarter supports technological developments, encourages entrepreneurship and invests in startup companies.
Hague Security Delta Mr Mark Ruijsendaal. The Hague Security Delta is the largest security cluster in Europe. THSD forms partnerships and creates knowledge bridges with the main global security clusters in the USA, Canada, Singapore and South Africa. Besides, THSD has strong ties with the central European security regions and Brussels, making the Netherlands Europe.
The THSD Campus is the national innovation centre of the Dutch security cluster, with living labs, education and training facilities, innovation rooms and meeting rooms. Businesses, governments and knowledge institutions from across the country collaborate to harvest knowledge at the campus and develop products and services that contribute to a safer and more secure world.
The HSD Campus is serving as an inspiring place to meet entrepreneurs, students and professionals in the security cluster. It is home to the educational programs of the new Cyber Security Academy (CSA) and European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) and it is the place where SME Connect will provide security entrepreneurs with advice.
CIDIC: Baron de Liminne de Bex, President CIDIC, Christian J. Mouvet, Secretary General, Frédéric de Pryck, Chairman Steering Committee. All shed light on the Circle and the purpose of the visit.
Presentations by the companies:
GFCE Global Forum on Cyber Expertise. “GFCE is an international platform organisation for countries, international organisations and private companies to exchange best practices and expertise on cyber capacity building”, says David van Duren, Head of the GFCE office. “The aim is to identify successful policies, practices and ideas and multiply these on a global level. GFCE members develop practical initiatives to strengthen cyber security, fight cybercrime, protect online data and support e-governance.”
The speaker from Tracks Inspector was Marco de Moulin (Product Director) “Tracks Inspector is an innovative solution that resulted from many years of experience in digital forensics investigations in close collaboration with law enforcement. The mission is to simplify digital forensics for investigators and to develop further and deliver the Tracks Inspector solution to law enforcement and corporate customers through our channel partners worldwide. Our solution can extract valuable information from mobile devices and computers without having to wait for the digital experts in the forensic lab, resulting in quicker and more efficient prosecutions.”
City of The Hague, Mr Karim Adarghal talked about the Robot named Sam. There was also a speaker from FONDA.
A lunch and get-together concluded the session at campus of The Hague Security Delta
The CIDIC delegation went on to Delft (incubator project) and Leiden to visit the Bioscience Park. The day concluded with a reception and dinner buffet at the residence of H.E. Mr Chris Hoornaert, Ambassador of Belgium.