Pictured ICC Judge Howard Morrison with the winning team from Singapore Management University © ICC-CPI/Aleksandra Milic.
Singapore Management University wins ICC Moot Court Competition, English version
The Singapore Management University won the ICC Moot Court Competition – English edition. The final round was held today, 27 May 2016, in Courtroom II of the new ICC premises in The Hague (the Netherlands). The University of Cologne (Germany) and the National Law School of India University, Bangalore (India), won, respectively, second and third places. The award for the Best Speaker went to Ruben Dillmann from the University of Cologne. Members of the winning team are Angus Koh, Joy Yee, Stephania Wong, Teng Sheng Saw, Selina Yap, Nurul Fajarani and Edmund Koh.

On the judge’s bench for this competition were Judge Howard Morrison, presiding, Special Assistant to the ICC President Philipp Ambach and Legal Officer Mary Ann Power.
This version of the ICC Moot Court Competition is organised by the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies – Leiden University and sponsored by Planethood Foundation, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Luxembourg and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in The Hague. 350 students participated in the preliminary stage of this year’s ICC Moot Court Competition; they were from 59 universities in 44 countries, representing each continent.

In the context of its Academic Programme, the ICC supports the organisation of ICC Moot Court Competitions in Chinese, English, Russian and Spanish, with a view to also support Arabic and French versions in the future. These initiatives play a critical role in galvanising interest in the Court’s work with academic communities as well as in enhancing promotion and respect for international criminal law.
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