Pictured H.E. Bruce Koloane, Ambassador of South Africa, Patrice van Dorst and Carest Reisch.
By Roy Lie A Tjam.
The South African Art Exhibition at gallery Patries van Dorst came to an end on Friday 20 May. H.E. Bruce Koloane, Ambassador of South Africa to the Netherlands, praised all those who have contributed to making the art exhibition a success.

Special thanks went to Carel Reisch and Patries van Dorst of the gallery and also to Anemiek. The objective of cooperation between South Africa and gallery Patries van Dorst, aimed at offering South African artists a platform in the Netherlands/Europe, has been successfully met.
Several works were sold during the course of the exhibition, an encouraging sign. The Ambassador called for exploration and cooperation across other segments of society as well.

Later this year, South African jazz groups will be performing at the Amersfoort Jazz festival. Ambassador Koloane also noted the opening of a South African restaurant named Springbok in The Hague in the very near future.
The centuries-old relationship between the Netherlands and South Africa seems to be inexhaustible.
Photography by Jan van der Loos.