Pictured Jean-Yves Charlier, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of VimpelCom Ltd.
The leading mobile Dutch-based company VimpelCom hosted an exclusive event in the summer pavilion of the Nieuwe of Litteraire Sociëteit De Witte in The Hague on May 30th. About fifty special guests among them Ambassadors, diplomats, Dutch parliamentarians, government officials, CEOs from the finances and communications field together with Vimpelcom’s management international team led by Jean-Yves Charlier Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of VimpelCom Ltd attended the reception.

First, it was time to share contacts and take pictures in a particular scenario digitally backgrounded with emblematic places and buildings from around the world.

Jean-Yves Charlier explained the origins of the company from its Russian routes to the international company headquartered in Amsterdam today.

He was followed by Christopher Schlaeffer, Chief Digital Officer, of VimpelCom Ltd., who talked about the new digital technologies, investments and VimpelCom programs to support digital development in their markets.
Christopher also spoke of a solar phone, the end of the emails’ era, the low mobile telephone prices, the banking digital services in developing countries and more.

VimpelCom is an international telecommunications and technology business with more than 200 million customers and the ability to reach more than 10% of the world’s population.
VimpelCom offers services to customers in 14 markets including Russia, Italy, Algeria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Georgia, Laos, and Zimbabwe. VimpelCom operates under the “Beeline”, “Kyivstar”, “WIND”, “Mobilink”, “banglalink”, “Telecel”, and “Djezzy” brands.

Vimpelcom has 55,000 employees, representing more than 60 nationalities.
For additional pictures, please open the following link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121611753@N07/albums/72157666722195913