Thursday, March 6, 2025

South Africa’s Operation Phakisa

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DIPLOMAT MAGAZINE “For diplomats, by diplomats” Reaching out the world from the European Union First diplomatic publication based in The Netherlands Founded by members of the diplomatic corps on June 19th, 2013. Diplomat Magazine is inspiring diplomats, civil servants and academics to contribute to a free flow of ideas through an extremely rich diplomatic life, full of exclusive events and cultural exchanges, as well as by exposing profound ideas and political debates in our printed and online editions.

By Roy Lie A Tjam.

The STC-Group building Rotterdam, served as venue for the Operation Phakisa seminar, co hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa and the STC-Group on 6 Jun 2016. Mr. Mark Agterdenbosch, chairman for the day, cordially welcomed the guests. Soon after, H.E.Vusi Bruce Koloane Ambassador of South Africa made his welcome remarks.

The Ambassador started by welcoming and thanking the delegates from South Africa for attending this significant seminar. He also thanked SANEC, the Dutch participants such as Boskalis and the STC-Group. The Ambassador is pleased with the cooperation involving Breda University of applied science for the MOU which was to be signed with the Municipality of Ekurhuleni later that day. South-African students will be coming to study logistics in Breda.

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Ambassador Vusi Bruce Koloane applauded the South Africa government for what he deems to be an consensious decision, the launching of operation Phakisa. It is expected to be a panacea to all ills and will unlock South-Arica’s potentials. South Africa has a unique foreign policy in place says the Ambassador which is applied by all be it ambassadors or government agents. All read from the same script and have received same marching orders added Koloane.

Good use is made of the phenomena Economic Diplomacy. That is, Ambassadors and diplomats identify interesting economic opportunities and investments for their respective country. Dutch agriculture is such an interesting example to work together with counterparts in South Africa. Ambassador Koloane reiterated his invitation to Dutch entrepreneurs to come and invest in South Africa.


The origin of Operation Phakita.

In August 2013, President Jacob Zuma went on a State Visit to Malaysia. He was introduced to the Big Fast Results Methodology through which the Malaysian government achieved significant government and economic transformation within a very short time. Using this approach, they addressed national key priority areas such as poverty, crime and unemployment.

With the support of the Malaysian government, the Big Fast Results approach was adapted to the South African context. To highlight the urgency of delivery the approach was renamed to Operation Phakisa (“phakisa” meaning “hurry up” in Sesotho).

To unlock the ocean economy, priority areas were identified. These are marine transport and manufacturing activities, such as coastal shipping, trans-shipment, boat building, repair and refurbishment; offshore oil and gas exploration; aquaculture and marine protection services and ocean governance. It is expected that this innovative new approach will continue to live up to its name in the future.

Examples of Operation Phakisa in action, Ocean Economy

Launched in August 2014, Operation Phocis Ocean Economy is the flagship programme for unlocking the economic potential of the oceans, which entail a coastline of over 3000 kilometres.

Mr. Albert Bos, Director of STC. Group Holding B.V.Rotterdam. Elaborated on doing Business in South Africa. The STC-Group FOCUS in South Africa is on:

Building Centre of Excellence for NCV and Port Training.

Focus South Africa is only on High end.

GAP in the Market.

Reports SAMSA on Strategy and Labor market overview.

Operation “Phakisa”

Blue economy and AIMS

STC/SA applied for the Dutch government (RVO) funds and financed a project in South Africa.Furthermore, STC Group SA, established a development trust in 2007. The trust is under the direction of Dr. Don Materra and is funding about 100 students per annum. Students are provided school fees, uniforms stationary and more. Some 20 students are provided bursaries for tertiary studies.

A presentation of Boskalis followed, Mr. Mark Verbrugghe.

Boskalis, established in 1910, safety is Boskalis core business. Further activities are: Boskalis is mostly known for its drenching expertise, constructions of ports, waterways, salvage, just to name a few.

The expose by the guest of honor Mr. Tulani Masilela, DDG featuring Operation Phakisa. Operation Phakisa has changed the South African government way of thinking said Mr. Tulani Masilela. He gave an overview of progress made since the implementation of Phakisa in 2014.


Background Operation Phakisa

Operation Phakisa: A South African government approach and methodology for accelerating delivery on national priorities espoused in the National Development Plan 2030, and doing this better, faster and efficiently.

Operation Phakisa: An innovative and pioneering approach that brings stakeholders together to collaboratively translate solutions into detailed implementation plans.

Adapted from the Big Fast Results (BFR) methodology of Malaysia. BFR methodology is an 8-step problem solving methodology, which includes convening a delivery laboratory.

A Lab is an intense problem-solving environment created within a dedicated physical workspace, with a full time team working in iterative manner, towards delivering Big Fast Results

Through implementation of the Ocean Economy, South Africa is on course towards increasing the GDP contribution of our oceans from R54billion in 2008 to R129 billion and R177 billion by 2030.

Construction of a new slipway and upgrading of the boat hoist facility to a 90 ton facility to enable the repair and maintenance of 12 (twelve) vessels as compared to the current 2 vessels

Tangible progress observed at the Port of Port Elizabeth including:

Construction of a new slipway and upgrading of the boat hoist facility to a 90 ton facility to enable the repair and maintenance of 12 (twelve) vessels as compared to the current 2 vessels

Investment of R1.25 billion investment over 5 years has been unlocked for the production of catamarans at the Port of Port Elizabeth – which will create 500 jobs

Building of 9 tugboats by South African Shipyards as part of a project worth R1.4 billion awarded by Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) in 2014

200 additional jobs created. 60 apprentice artisans and three marine engineers in training.

Conclusion: What Makes the Methodology Work?

Setting inspirational targets to drive transformation

A new radical way of working

Implementation in consultation with the public

Discipline in Monitoring and Execution

Clear governance structures and weekly reporting

Mr. Japh Chuwe CEO, South African Transport Infringement Agency delivered a vivid presentation RTIA.

RTIA stands for, South Africa; through the NDoT is a signatory of the UN Decade of Action on Road Safety. Embraces the Safe Systems Approach as a sustainable intervention for road safety management and reduction of road fatalities and serious injuries. Established strategic entities with a key focus on various areas of expertise:

South African National Roads Agency, focusing on roads infrastructure;

Road Accident Fund, to compensate victims of road crashes;

Road Traffic Infringement Agency, as independent arbiter over traffic violations;

Road Traffic Management Corporation, to co-ordinate law enforcement; and

Cross-Border Road Transport Agency, to regulate cross-border traffic.

Transport Education Training Authority, for skills development & creation of expertise transport. Mr. Japh Chuwe CEO is eagerly looking forward to cooperate with the Dutch.

Concluding the seminar was the signing of a MOU between the Breda University of Applied science and the South African Municipality of Ekuhurleni. Mr. Hein van Oorschot signed for the University, Mr. Nkosidinphile Xhakaza MMC, signed for the Municipality of Ekuhurleni.South African students will come to Breda to follow an undergraduate course in Logistics.


Photography by SANEC


















































































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