Diplomat Magazine celebrated its third anniversary on 19 June 2016. To mark the occasion, members of the staff enjoyed a gourmet lunch prepared by the Chef de Cuisine of the recently inaugurated The Hague Marriott Hotel.
Diplomat Magazine has successfully emerged as a platform for diplomatic discourse, an event organizer and a publisher for matters relating to international relations in the Netherlands and beyond. Taken together, this makes it an organization unique in Europe. The magazine’s regular agenda includes organizing and supporting diplomatic networking events, art exhibitions, classical concerts, commercial activities and all manner of embassies issues.
For additional pictures of this memorable occasion, please open the following link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121611753@N07/albums/72157671209724731

Between February and April 2016, Diplomat Magazine concentrated its efforts on the production of the latest special printed edition featuring H.E. Bert Koenders, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs. In the spring, the magazine also launched what would become one of its most successful projects to date: the 1st Diplomatic Gastronomic Festival, held in May at Hanos in Delft.
Diplomat Magazine has been recognized in 2016 by key European universities and marketing strategists as the fastest growing diplomatic publication in Europe, attracting more than 60,000 online monthly views, while the glossy printed edition continues to grow in stature and reputation.

“Diplomat Magazine is now accessible as a trusted source in Factiva – a leading global collection of licensed news, web content and company data. Via Factiva, owned by Dow Jones, publisher of The Wall Street Journal, Diplomat Magazine will henceforth be directly accessible to some 1.1 million users worldwide,” said Dr. Mayelinne De Lara, Publisher.
Moreover, since February, 2015, Diplomat Magazine has included in its diplomatic repertoire a new high level academic publication entitled Border Crossing. This is a complimentary online academic publication, freely accessible from the Diplomat Magazine homepage at www.diplomatmagazine.eu.
“My vision as publisher is first of all to maintain the total neutrality and transparency of the magazine; we do not take sides, and this allows our contributors to lay out their positions clearly and without hindrance. This is not common in the field of the international politics, an increasingly divided arena. As such, we have gained the confidence of ambassadors, ministers and presidents who entrust us with their declarations and communiqués in the knowledge that they will be treated with integrity and never misrepresented or distorted,” added Dr. De Lara.

The founders and first contributors to Diplomat Magazine in 2013 were H.E. Carlos Jose Arguello, Ambassador of Nicaragua, Dean of the Diplomatic corps; H.E. Roberto Canzadilla, Ambassador of Bolivia, vice-Dean of the Diplomatic corps; H.E. James Lambert, Ambassador of Canada; H.E. Huynh Minh Chinh, Ambassador of Vietnam; H.E. Martin Valentino, Ambassador of Malta; H.E. Yasumasa Nagamine, Ambassador of Japan; and DM’s strategist and project manager, charge d’affaires a.i. of the Dominican Republic Embassy, Minister Counselor Dr. Eugenio Matos Gomez (currently Minister Counselor in Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Photography by Kim Vermaat and Robert Huiberts.