On the picture H.E. Abdelouahab Bellouki and spouse Mrs Najat Bellouki.
By Roy Lie A Tjam
On the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the accession of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to the throne, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco H.E. Abdelouahab Bellouki and spouse Mrs Najat Bellouki invited collegues, friends and others to a reception.

The venue Hotel Hilton The Hague on 1 August 2016. Every year Morocco celebrates the monarch’s enthronement with a day of celebrations. His Majesty Mohammed VI became King of Morocco in 1999 following the demise of his father King Hassan II.
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Many accepted the invitation and came to the Hilton Hotel to congratulate the Ambassador and his spouse on this special day. 2016 has seen another successful Throne Day celebration