On the picture diplomats at the Embassy of Brazil; Mr. Pablo Romero (3rd Secretary), Mrs. Fabiana Garcia (1st Secretary), Mr. José Akcell Zavala (Counsellor), Mr. Leonardo Gorgulho Fernandes (Minister-Counsellor) and H.E. Mr Piragibe Tarragô (Ambassador).
By Djoeke Altena.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016, Wassenaar: the Federative Republic of Brazil celebrated the 194th anniversary of its independence with a reception at the Ambassador’s Residence. On this date, in the year 1822, Brazil’s independence was declared by Prince Pedro de Alcântara (later Emperor Pedro I), ending 322 years of colonial dominance. Don Pedro de Alcântara who resided in Portugal’s largest and wealthiest colony since French troops were to invade Portugal, separated the Brazilian and Portuguese crowns. He sided against his homeland when Portugal threatened to revoke Brazilian autonomy, and is the one who cried out the famous words “Independence or death!”
No cries where heard 194 years later at the residence of HE Ambassador Piragibe Dos Santos Tarragô. The Brazilian residence is a beautiful mansion locatedin Wassenaar, also known as “Villa Ruys”. It was built in 1914-1916 after design by architect L.J. Zaaijer. Inspiration for the mansion came from the Hollands-Classicism and the English country house style. Noteworthy is that the building is recognised by the Dutch government for its value for architectural history.

It was at the gardens of the residence wherein this splendid reception took place. The sunny weather as well as fresh caipirinhas brought smiles on the faces of the attending diplomats, business and government representatives.
The attending guest had the opportunity to try several Brazilian treats. Brazilian chocolate truffles, brigadeiros, were present in different flavours, including Stroopwafel flavour. The Brazilian meat, Pão de Queijo, Pastéis and other delicious appetizers induced the guests to once again appreciate the Brazilian cuisine.
The combination of cuisine, prominent guests and caipirinhas made the 194th anniversary of the Brazilian independence reception in Wassenaar exquisite. Regrettably it will likely be the last national day in the Netherlands for the Brazilian ambassador Peragibe Tarragô, since he has a new assignment in Hong Kong.
Ambassador’s Residence: http://rijksmonumenten.nl/monument/525759/villa-ruys/wassenaar/
Photography by the Embassy of Brazil in The Hague.