On the picture first row: H.E. Eduardo Ibarrola, Ambassador of Mexico, H.E. Sergio Ugalde Godinez Ambassador of the Republic of Costa Rica, H.E. Fermin Quinones Sanchez, Ambassador of Cuba, H.E Mr. Nourredine Ayadi, Ambassador of Algeria, H.E. Mr. Adam Maznavee Jaufer Sadiq, Ambassador of Sri Lanka, H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Abdullah Abdulaziz Abohaimed, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia. Second row: H.E. Dr. Christoph Israng, German Ambassador to the OPCW, H.E. Carlos Herrera, Ambassador of Peru, Mrs Ekaterina Dugladze, Counsellor, Embassy of Georgia and Mr Boris A.Zhilko, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Russia.
After two years serving his country in the Netherlands, H.E. Fermin Quinones Sanchez and his wife Amaira are going back to La Havana. It was his second assignment in The Hague. Ambassador Quinonez was previously posted here as First Secretary in early 90s.
For additional Kim Vermaat’s pictures, please open the following link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121611753@N07/albums/72157675365861280

Diplomat Magazine hosted a Ceremony of Merit and farewell on Friday 21 October at Carlton Ambassador Hotel during a reception held in his honour. Ambassador Fermin Quinones personally welcomed his close friends and colleagues, flanked by his lovely wife, Amaria.
Diplomat Magazine handled to them a well deserved Certificate of Merit, our recognition to parting heads of diplomatic missions.

H.E. Sergio Ugalde Godinez Ambassador of the Republic of Costa Rica was the guest speaker of the evening addressing particular professional attributes of Ambassador Fermin Quinones. Ambassador Godinez recalled Ambassador Quinones’ highlights, notably: a visit of Cuban Foreign Minister to the Netherlands in April 2015 and the visit of Dutch Foreign Minister to La Havana a few months later.
As for this year, Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade, H.E. Lilianne Ploumen visited Cuba. Also, Cuban Minister for Foreign Trade and investment visited the Netherlands. Ambassador Fermin Quinones has been instrumental in the visit of Prime Minister Mark Rutte, alongside state visits to Cuba from prime ministers of Aruba, Curacao and St Martin.

Sergio Ugalde Godinez called for a round of applause for this extraordinary diplomat, wishing Fermin Quinones, his wife Amaria and family a safe and great journey back home.
A second speech was delivered by H.E. Eduardo Ibarrola Ambassador of Mexico, expressing many other personal achievements of Ambassador Fermin Quinones during his two year tenure in The Hague.
A photo- shooting session and a reception with Cuban music, concluded the Ceremony of Merit, within a warmth and friendly ambiance. The Ceremony of Merit and farewell to parting Ambassadors are sponsored by Diplomat Magazine, Diplomatic Card and Carlton Ambassador Hotel.