On the picture His Excellency Jaime V Ledda Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines in The Hague.
2016 a year long celebration!
The Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of the Philippines celebrate 65 years of Diplomatic relation and 150 years of Consular relation.
Hence His Excellency Jaime V Ledda Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines in The Hague, hosted a reception at Hotel Des Indes on 12 September in order to celebrate this memorable milestone.
For additional Kim Vermaat’s pictures, please open the following link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121611753@N07/albums/72157673163455044

Instead of a traditional toast a Dutch-Filipino duo bought luster to the evening. Ambassador Ledda proudly presented Ms. Nikka Mae C. Lopez, a cum laude graduate of the University of the Philippines College of Music, currently based in Karlsruhe, Germany pursuing further studies in voice performance.
She was accompanied by Ms. Carla Bos, who studied harp at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague and is now a professional musician with the Remix Ensemble for Contemporary Music in Porto, Portugal.
The relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of the Philippines are prospering. The steady growth in trade is proof thereof. Investments are also increasing at an average rate of 10% p.a. According to Ambassador Ledda the cooperation between the two nations continues with hopes for an even better and ever brighter story in our relationship that has been built over centuries of commerce, exchanges and friendships.
Ambassador Ledda continued his a reunion among friends from government officials and civil servants, non Governmental organizations and charitable foundations.
The evening at Des Indes was well attended, many came by to congratulate Ambassador Jaime Ledda.