The Embassy of the Argentine Republic is pleased to inform you about the
following tender:
The Government of the Povince of Misiones, together with the Port
Administration of Posadas and Santa Ana and the SAPEM Posadas Industrial
Park (PIP SAPEM), call any potential parties interested in operating the
below mentioned facilities.
• Port and Bonded Warehouse
• Posadas Dry Dock
• Santa Ana Port
The objective is to expand the port infrastructure of Posadas and Santa
Ana to boost the development of the Province of Misiones and promote the
development of the economic activity.
The information about conditions and specifications to participate in
the tenders is available on the following website:
Please notice that the term of the public call as reported by the
Government of the Povince of Misiones was extended (please do not take
into account the date October 31, as mentioned in the document).