On the picture Andrew van Esch (director The Hague International Network) Mr Han ten Broeke, Dutch MP for VVD (Liberal Conservatives), Mr Nikola Dimitrov, Distinguished Fellow at The Hague Institute for Global Justice (former Ambassador for FYRM Macedonia), Dr Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Dutch Member of the European Parliament for D66 (Social Liberals).
By Roy Lie A Tjam.
The Hague International Network (THIN) concurrently held its first meeting for 2017 on Friday 20 January with the investiture of the President of the USA Mr. Donald John Trump.
The attendees of the event were able to follow the investiture ceremony live on gigantic screens.

This event that was intended to analyse the investiture was graced by the presence of many illustrious individuals. Some Ambassadors and Diplomats joined the unique gathering in addition to members of the international community.
After watching the ceremony, a panel of experts unpacked the proceedings.

Global Justice.
Among them were:
- Andrew van Esh (Director at THIN)
- Han ten Broeke, the Dutch MP for VVD and spokesperson on Foreign Affairs. Over and above that, he also chairs the standing parliamentary commission for the Defence
- Chris van Voorden, Director at Innovation Quarters who is also responsible for foreign investments
- Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Dutch Member of the European Parliament for D66 who is also a specialist on environmental issues and climate change, and
- Nikola Dimitrov, Distinguished Fellow of The Hague Institute for Global Security as well as a former Ambassador of Macedonia in Washington and the Netherlands.

The panel commented on the ceremony and foretold what the Trump administration will mean for Europe and the Netherlands in particular.
The fabulous THIN meeting and screening took place at Brasserie Mondano of the World Trade Centre in The Hague.

Photography by the Word Trade Center, The Hague.