H.E. Vjosa Dobruna, Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo.
By Kim Vermaat.
The Hague 21st of February 2017- The Embassy of Kosovo had the pleasure to host a reception celebrating the ninth anniversary of its independence in its new stately embassy at the Koninginnegracht.
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H. E. Dr. Vjosa Dobruna, Ambassador of Kosovo to the Netherlands, mentioned in her speech the importance of international collaboration and hoped that the larger embassy facilities would help towards that goal.

Ambassador Dobruna, also indicated that the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office with special jurisdiction over crimes against humanity, war crimes and other crimes under Kosovo law will soon be seated in The Hague (it is expected to begin operating sometime in 2017.)
On a personal note, she made it clear that she feels privileged to live in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and that she especially feels completely at home in The Hague.
The reception was well attended by more than 15 Ambassadors and many other diplomats.
After ambassador’ speech the guests had the pleasure of enjoying violin & piano music by an Albanian/Kosovar ensemble.