H.E. Mr Peep Jahilo, Ambassador of Estonia and Counsellor Mr. Mr Mati Murd.
Estonia’s 99th Independence Day celebrated in The Hague
By Roy Lie A Tjam.
Estonia a cozy little secret, this how NORDICA, Estonia’s national Airline refers to Estonia. H.E Mr. Peep Jahilo, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia in The Netherlands organized a reception to celebrate Estonia’s 99th Independence anniversary.
The reception took place on Wednesday 22 February 2017.
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Among the attendees were Ambassadors, their representatives from all continents: from Cameroon to Ukraine, Panama to Belgium, Indonesia to Lebanon. Furthermore, Dutch dignitaries, friends, business acquaintances, NGO’s and members of the diaspora.
There are busy times ahead for Estonia, the country will be holding the Presidency of the EU Council for the first time in the second half of 2017. The preparations for the presidency are in full swing.
It has been a well attended and very pleasant lunchtime reception.