H.E. Konstantine Surguladze, Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia and State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, H.E. Victor Dolidze.
By Roy Lie A Tjam.
On the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between Georgia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration H.E. Victor Dolidze delivered a captivating lecture on the theme, Georgia’s European Way which was followed by the exhibition of the Dutch Photographer Thomas Vahé, Georgia through Dutchman’s Eye. The venue chosen for the event was appropriate, Het Huis van Europa (House of Europe) The Hague. The date was 21 April 2017.
H.E. Victor Dolidze, the State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration is a very eloquent speaker. His delivery Georgia’s European Way has been very revealing. Dolidze developed his expose on the changes brought about during the past 25 years of Georgia’s membership of the EU. Minister Victor Dolidze, has been in the Netherlands for some days.
He met with the authorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MP’s, NGO’s and other institutions. Before going into the material Dolidze express his condolences to the French Government and people in connection with the loss of live in the recent terrorist attack in Paris.
Georgia, Minister Dolidze stated, is experiencing a new epoch, security is high on the agenda, hence membership of the NATO and the EU are important. Even so is State building. Georgian soldier are involved in fighting terrorism in different parts of the world. Afghanistan is one example. Russia has to understand says Minister Dolidze that a stable Georgia means stability in the region
Information center are scattered all over Georgia, in order to inform the population about Georgia’s relationship with NATO and the EU. Georgia and the Netherland have several joined projects; one of them is the Erasmus education program. There is convincing evidence that Georgia is on the right track, success is imperative.
In the Q&A session that followed Minister Dolidze took questions from the audience including those posed by the Ambassador of Austria, Armenia, and Iraq. The Georgia success story Minister Dolidze is due to transforming the economy, the creation of sufficient SME’s. Diversifying the economy in other words.
The Schengen(Biometric visa) has made it easier for the Georgian businessman to visit his business partners in the EU. The construction of a new airport is underway; this will further enhance the position of Georgia. The country will become an important Hub in the region.

Minister Dolidze admits there are challenges ahead: occupation, Russia, migration, and poverty are all challenges. Asked about the Georgian diaspora, Dolidze responded, they are concentrated in Greece, Spain and Germany. Minister Dolidze is appealing to his countrymen to return home and assist in the construction of the new Georgia. Furthermore, tourism is a sector contributing to the economy of Georgia.

A reception with Georgian snacks and wine concluded the informative afternoon.
Photography by the Embassy of Georgia in The Hague.