Mr. Mohammad Sinno, President of the Lebanese Dutch Business Association and Ms Abir Ali, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Lebanon.
Ambassadors, Dutch Officials, NGO’s and Dutch Business people gathered, at the Residence of Lebanon in Wassenaar, to meet with a Delegation of high-level Lebanese Entrepreneurs, featuring businesses in Agriculture, Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, clothing, small industry, Insurance and Consultancy.

This yearly event, organized by the Embassy of Lebanon in collaboration with NCO-VNO (Dutch Entrepreneurs Organization) aims at giving the opportunity to Lebanese and Dutch Entrepreneurs to explore business and investment possibilities, and to strengthen the business ties between Lebanon and the Netherlands.
Promoting investments in Lebanon, with her charming smile and subtle anecdotes Ms. Abir Ali, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Lebanon, encouraged Dutch Entrepreneurs to invest in Lebanon enhancing financial and administrative incentives.
Ms. Ali highlighted the uncomplicated steps needed to build-up a business in Lebanon. She also reassured investors about the stable economic situation. Mr. Mohammad Sinno, President of the Lebanese Dutch Business Association in his word, also invited the Dutch to team-up with the Lebanese and highlighted the favorable climate in Lebanon.
Finally, the delicious Lebanese bites, served during this networking event, a wonderful weather and contributed in creating a warm Lebanese atmosphere.