Embassy of Japan in The Hague, conferral of the Order of the Rising Sun
By Roy Lie A Tjam.
Embassy of Japan, The Hague11 July 2017, a solemn ceremony in connection with the conferral of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon upon Mr. Jacob van der Goot.
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Mr. Jacob van der Goot, a former Honorary Consul-General of Japan in Rotterdam had the Japanese Imperial Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon and Rosette, bestowed upon him. To this end, an official solemn ceremony was held at the residence of the Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Hiroshi Inomata on Tuesday 11 July 2017.
Mr. Jacob van der Goot received the distinction as a token for his significant contributions in promoting friendly relations and economic exchanges between Japan and the Netherlands.
Mr. Van der Goot is a co-chairman and board member of the prestigious Rotterdam Japan Club(RJC). The objective of the club is the cultivation of friendly relations between senior Japanese and Dutch businessmen mainly in the Rotterdam area by being open to the mutual cultures, and for the exchange of information.
RJC board member Mr. Jeroen Kamphuis lauded Jacob van der Goot for service rendered to the club over the years.
Also present, Mr. Willem Sodderland, founder of the Rotterdam Japan Club. He recounted the interesting history of the RJC and subsequently thanked Mr. Jacob van der Goot.