Justice Mr. Alexander W. Beelaerts van Blokland and the Mayor of The Hague, Ms. Pauline Krikke,
Mr. Alexander W. Beelaerts van Blokland, Justice in the Court of Appeal and International advisor (by virtue) to the Mayor of The Hague, bows out after holding the position for 14 years.
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Justice Beelaerts van Blokland has been one of the very few persons selected to represent the Municipality of The Hague at functions of the International and diplomatic community.

A valedictory function took place on Tuesday March 13th 2018 in the famous Mauritshuis Museum . The Mayor of The Hague, Ms. Pauline Krikke, thanked Mr Alexander Beelearts van Blokland for services rendered to the city of The Hague, the International City of Peace and Justice.
Mayor Krikke subsequently presented the instruments of the Haagsepluim award to Mr. Beelearts van Blokland; the ‘Haagse Pluim 2018’, is a very special and prestigious prize the Mayor & Aldermen of The Hague can only give once a year to an organisation or person. Almost all ambassadors credited to the Netherlands and many international judges and representatives from international organisations, as well as the Presidents of the Senate and the House of Representatives, five former Cabinet Ministers and many others were present.

“For Elisabeth and me it was a very special moment that we will never forget anymore.” said Alexander Beelearts van Blokland. “The end of fourteen years of activities for my city, now in five months more then I will retire from my daily work as Justice in the Court of Appeal as well.”
No less than four Dutch newspapers local and national paper wrote articles about judge Alexander impressive farewell or published interviews.
” I will retired from my duties on Prinsjesdag the day I will turn 70′ which means that I will have to retire by law from Monday October 1st, 2018, which will be the day of my first cello lesson !.
Justice Beelaerts van Blokland was one of the founders and Diplomat Magazine’s columnist; he wrote around 50 articles on issues related to The Hague as the international city of peace and justice.