By Anton Lutter.
The 17th of August commemorates the proclamation of Indonesia’s independency, and in 1945 signaled the beginning of the fight for freedom against the Dutch. Now 73 years later friendship between the two countries is stronger than ever.
Symbolized by the opening words of the speech of ambassador I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, “Dear Veterans …” referring to the veterans who once where the adversaries of the Indonesian freedom fighters. Continuing a tradition started by the late ambassador Junus Effendie Habibie, inviting veterans to the Independence Day flag hosting ceremony at Wassenaar. Clearly a sign of Indonesia’s policy of looking forward in relation towards the Dutch, which is greatly appreciated by the attending veterans enjoying the ceremony on this sunny day.
In his speech Ambassador Puja expressed his thanks to all Indonesians, Indonesian Diaspora, and the people of The Netherlands for their sympathies and attentions to the victims and their families of the recent earthquake which took place on the beautiful island of Lombok (eastern part of Indonesia).
Concerning the relations between The Netherlands and Indonesia, the ambassador mentioned the following: In the economic field, the Netherlands is one of our most important partners in Europe. in 2017, for the first time in the last 5 years, the trade value between our two countries reached USD 5.06 billion, or a growth of 27% compared to 2016. With a continuing growth in January-May 2018, the bilateral trade value increased with 7% compared to the same period in 2017. In the field of investment, The Netherlands, for several years in a row is still the largest benefactor of foreign investment from Europe to Indonesia. Also a positive trend is a growth in the tourism sector, seeing Dutch tourist arrivals to Indonesia in 2017 grown with 5.3% compared with 2016, reaching 205.000 persons.

Furthermore, the Indonesian government has accelerated its national development, be it in the form of physical infrastructure development (sea tolls, airports, railways, toll roads) or social infrastructures. The government has been working to create a just and economic equitability for the whole Indonesian people, accelerating the development of Indonesian human resource as the man priority of the national development.
With a population of 260 million, the fourth largest in the world, and third largest democracy Indonesia’s capacity and reputation is respected by the world. This was recognized by the fact that on 8 June 2018, Indonesia was elected as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for 2019-2020. Also the European Commission has lifted the ban on all Indonesian airlines.
Ambassador Puja said: “Indonesia has contributed its views on the importance of promoting Indo-Pacific relations. Indonesia’s concept is to prioritize ASEAN centrality, cooperation, habit of dialog, and respect to the international laws.”
Next to flag hoisting and exclamation of the independence speech from president Sukarno of 17 august 1945, the celebration was a showcase of cultural expressions from the different parts of Indonesia. Ambassador I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja highlighted this day by performing the so called Tumpeng Ceremony, celebrating the 73rd year of Independence of the Republic Indonesia.