The Embassy of Republic of Rwanda in The Hague participated in Embassy Festival on 1 September that took place in The Hague in the Netherlands.

The cultural world trip that this festival offered fits in seamlessly with the international City of The Hague.
One out of three inhabitants have roots abroad, making it the city that brings the world together. The Hague is also the embassy city of the Netherlands.
The Embassy Festival showcased the cultural richness of around 60 countries at the Lange Voorhout.
The result of this was a colourful festival program with lots of dance and music: the universal language that ties us all together and the Rwandan Embassy once again put up a special programme for its visitors, including traditional dances and traditional handicrafts were on display.
For the second time Rwanda had found its way to the Embassy Festival. On the stage of the Creative Arena, the cultural program included traditional Rwandan dance performances.
Furthermore, the Rwanda Pavilion was centrally located on the International Market where H.E. Mr. Jean Pierre Karabaranga and his team provided a crowd of visitors with up to date information about the various tourism and business & investment opportunities in Rwanda.
Throughout the day Rwandan specialty Rwanda specialty coffee specialist Brewanda served coffee and people enjoyed the Rwandan Coffee Brownies from the Rose & Vanilla Bakery.
For more information about the festival, please visit:
Photos enclosed. High resolution photos can be downloaded from the Flickr photo album: