German premiers 2018 – Picture by Hamburg Staatskanzlei.
Thursday and Friday, 25-26 October 2018, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg: The federal city-state of Hamburg hosted the annual conference of German premiers for the first time since 2002, when it was held under the aegis of then First Mayor Ole von Beust.
For First Mayor Dr. Peter Tschentscher it was a magnificent opportunity to present his mayorship, for he only took over the office from the incumbent Federal Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz on 28 March of this year.

The gathering known as Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz (MPK) coordinates the joint issuesof all federal states disregarding political boundaries.
Hamburg wishes to use its chairmanship to work on matters concerning migrant integration, federation-states financing, infrastructures throughout Germany and prominently the urgent need to digitalise the civil services and administrations at federal and state levels.

This years the premiers of Hesse and Bavaria were not able to attend yet their states were represented their respective representatives to the federation, state secretaries and heads of chanceries.
Four general gatherings of all premiers are scheduled throughout the year in the chair federal state. After two of them, the premiers present their findings, agreementsand disputes directly to the federal chancellor.
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