H.E. Ms. Soraya Alvarez, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba during her remarquable speech.
By Roy Lie Atjam.
The Hague, January 18, 2019, The Republic of Cuba, ever triumphed of her Revolution celebrates her 60th anniversary. The Crowne Plaza Hotel was filled to capacity. Hundreds of people of all walks of life made their way to the Crowne Plaza to felicitate H.E.

Besides the cordial welcome by the Ambassador, there was Cuban food, Cuban cocktail (mojito), Cuban music and dance. The Cuban dance Trio “Salsa de pichón” put on a dazzling show; the Rafael Calá dancers also added to the excellent Caribe ambience. The Muñecón “La Cubana” mingled with the many guests. All in all, a fabulous 60th anniversary of the glorious Cuban Revolution.

Diplomat magazine, co-sponsor of the event, avail its self of the opportunity and launch the latest issue of the magazine. There was a free copy for every attendee.
Ambassador Soraya Alvarez delivered the following welcome address: We are much

The first of January 1959, with the triumph of the Revolution and under the leadership of Fidel Castro, culminated more than a century of struggles by the Cuban people for their true and definitive independence. Since then, the firm determination to build a sovereign, prosperous, solidarity country with social justice has prevailed until today.
Generations of Cubans have been protagonists of heroic resistance to threats, aggressions of various kinds and therefore we have been to face enormous difficulties.

It has taken a new step against Cuba, which would dangerously reinforce the economic, commercial and financial blockade, would flagrantly violate International Law and directly attacks the sovereignty and interests of third countries, with the announcement made on 16 January on the decision to suspend only for 45 days the application of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, which is characterized by its extreme extraterritorial scope. In particular, the afore mentioned Title III of this Law is aimed at obstructing the economic, commercial and financial relations of Cuba with third countries and affecting its ability to attract direct investment of foreign capital for its development. Cuba rejects that threat in the most energetic and firm way.
This is the high price that we Cubans have had to face in the last Sixty years for defending our right to self-determination to found our own country.
Cuba deeply thanks all those friends around the world, who have given us their support and who continue to do so, defying many adversities.
Cuba continues its decision in updating its economic model, in the continuity of the legacy of Martí and Fidel in the figure of our new President Miguel Díaz-Canel, more over the battle of the Cuban government and people to maintain and defend, at all costs, their fundamental and inalienable rights.

This year is of great importance for Cuba, in which a referendum will be held on a new Constitution of the Republic and also it will enter into force. The draft of a new Constitution was publicly and extensively consulted in a national debate, as well as, with the Cuban citizens are residing abroad. In the process, millions of our citizens actively participated in the last few months, demonstrating the constituent role of the Cuban people and the democratic character of the Revolution.
Cuba’s actions on the international level will continue to be guided by respect for international law, the self-determination, and sovereignty of States, in the defense of all human rights for all, in solidarity, and in international cooperation with full respect to diversity and differences to solve the serious challenges that humankind faces.
The occasion is propitious to recognize the good state of bilateral relations between Cuba and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which will celebrate this year the 117th anniversary of our diplomatic relations, besides to ratify the willingness to continue strengthening friendship and collaboration for the benefit of our peoples.

I would like especially to thank and to highlight the sustained support of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands with its vote against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed against Cuba.
I take this opportunity to reaffirm with pride and enthusiasm the determination that guides the Cuban people to build an increasingly socialist, democratic, prosperous and sustainable society.

Cuba deeply thanks all those friends around the world, who have given us their support and who continue to do so, defying many adversities.
Cuba continues its decision in updating its economic model, in the continuity of the legacy of Martí and Fidel in the figure of our new President Miguel Díaz-Canel, more over the battle of the Cuban government and people to maintain and defend, at all costs, their fundamental and inalienable rights.