By Roy Lie Atjam.
The Hague, Netherlands – 5th March 2019. Diplomat Magazine and Diplomatic Card organized a Ceremony of Merit for the outgoing Ambassador of Iran, H.E. Dr Alireza Jahangiri, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Netherlands.
Diplomat Magazine being the first diplomatic magazine of its kind in the

The certificate of Merit and Public Diplomacy Award were presented in recognition for the outstanding contributions that Ambassador Alireza Jahangiri has made in solidifying Iran’s bilateral ties with the Netherlands, as well as for promoting strategic diplomatic engagements. Furthermore, Dr. Jahangiri has been significantly involved with international organizations and has served as the chairman of the OPCW SCP.

The Ceremony of Merit was also an opportunity to express profound gratitude to Ambassador Alireza Jahangiri for his support to the diplomatic community and the media.

The auspicious occasion was attended by members of the Diplomatic community, the International judiciary, academics as well as individuals of the Iranian community.

Glowing remarks were delivered by a total of six speakers including H.E. Mr. Alexander Shulgin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Victor Ledda, Ambassador of the Philippines, H.E. Mr Bruce Koloane, Ambassador of South Africa, H.E. Mr. I Gusti Wesaka Puja, Ambassador of Indonesia, H.E. Sheik Mohammed Belal, Ambassador of Bangladesh, and the Ambassador of India who presented the award, H.E. Mr. Venu Rajamony.

The speakers all lauded Ambassador Alireza Jahangiri for his fine contributions within the diplomatic community and his pivotal involvement in the OPCW, but above all, great emphasis was placed on Alireza Jahangiri himself, the man, the

Several references were made to the personal and friendly relationship that existed between Jahangiri and his fellow Ambassadors. One speaker in addressing Ambassador Jahangiri cited a quote from Hubert H. Humphrey which states, “the greatest gift of life is friendship and I have received it.”

It is undeniable that anyone who came into contact with Ambassador Alireza Jahangiri will attest to his professionalism, academic qualities and his great humanity.

There was no better way to bid farewell to a stalwart of the diplomatic community and also a dear friend. A grand reception concluded the Ceremony of Merit at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.