In the picture H.E. Ms. Laura Dupuy Lasserre, Ambassador of Uruguay.
On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the Uruguayan painter Luis Alberto Solari, the Embassy of Uruguay in The Hague in cooperation with the Hispanic Association of The Hague, presented a Conference on his life and work.
The activity was held on April 4, 2019 in the hall of the Koningkerk, in the city of Voorburg, and was attended by some 60 people, including diplomats and Spanish- speaking members of the Association.
Posters and banners were exhibited with a selection of the painter’s works and some catalogs were distributed.

The evening began with welcome words from Mrs. Edith Bergansius, President of the Hispanic Association, followed by a short speech by the Ambassador of Uruguay, H.E. Mrs. Laura Dupuy.
The program also included the screening of the video ‘Luis Alberto Solari 100th Anniversary of his Birth’ and Mr. Gabriel Inzaurralde (Uruguayan born), who is a professor of literature at the University of Leiden, spoke extensively about the work and thinking of Solari, a talk that he entitled “The Melancholic Carnival”.
Professor Inzaurralde delighted the audience with his stories, not only of the local context but also of the painter’s inspiration, connecting him to other artists such as Bosco or Marc Chagall or going back to works from the Middle Ages and Greek mythology (Art History).

The evening ended with a small reception where Uruguayan wines, empanadas and pascualina were served.
Additional information:
In the pictures: Mrs. Edith Bergansius, Director of the Hispanic Association of The Hague; the Ambassador of Uruguay H.E. Mrs. Laura Dupuy Lasserre and Professor Gabriel Inzaurralde (Leiden University) –in order of intervention-.