23-29 August 2019, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany: Mexican vessel Cuauhtemoc wrapped up its northern European tour that include stopovers in Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rostock, Kiel and finally in Hamburg.
The ship is the pride of Mexico’s navy, in fact known as ‘Ambassador and Knight of the Seas’.
The official programme included a reception by Hamburg’s Senate and a visit by the First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Dr. Peter Tschentscher, onboard the barque.

For the commander, Captain Carlos Gorraez Meraz, Hamburg has a personal connection, for four years ago, he was a course participant for international officers at the German Armed Forces Command and Staff College in Hamburg.
Cuauhtemoc’s service began in 1982 as a training sailing ship for the Mexican Navy. Candidates officers receive their nautical training therein. The bark is 90.5 metres long, 12 metres wide, has 269 crew members and is classified as a traditional ship.
For further information:
ARM Cuahtémoc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_Cuauhtémoc_(BE01)
At Hamburg’s harbour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFl7zs4wm_0&app=desktop
Image by the Embassy of Mexico in Germany.