Cyprus’ Tourism Minister presents strategic plan to Dutch tour operators at Cyprus Exhibition in Antiquities Museum Leiden
In the picture Director Wim Weijland, Minister Savvas Perdios and Ambassador Elpidoros Economou.
The Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Savvas Perdios, is currently touring Europe to present his ambitious 10-year national strategic plan with the objective of placing Cyprus among the 30 main tourist destinations in the world by 2030.
Cyprus currently ranks 44th in the world, while Spain is number one, France in 3rd place and Italy in 8th place. Portugal is in 12th place and Greece 25th. The first European presentation the minister gave was in The Netherlands.
Minister Perdios presented his plan to Dutch tour operators and travel agents during a special dinner organized at the exhibition ‘Cyprus: A Dynamic Island’ at the Museum of Antiquities in Leiden. This is the largest exhibition ever organized in the Netherlands on ancient Cyprus, one of the most important crossroads of ancient cultures in the Mediterranean region.
During his presentation in the presence of among others H.E. Ambassador Elpidoros Economou of Cyprus, the tourism minister told his audience his plan comprises five key pillars.
The first is to increase the seasonality of tourism in Cyprus by making Cyprus a tourist destination throughout the year, the second is to have the whole island benefit from tourism, not just the coastal areas, the third pillar is to establish Cyprus as a destination for quality by being more competitive, the fourth pillar is a better use of data-driven decisions and the fifth is to make Cyprus perceived as a climate friendly destination by taking into account climate change and sustainable growth.
Next to the traditional countries of origin of tourists, the UK and Russia, Cyprus will take measures to increase tourist arrivals from new markets such as the Netherlands and the Nordic countries.
After the dinner and the presentation, the invited tour operators and travel agents were given a guided tour by museum director Mr. Wim Weijland.