Calligraphy and paintings from Iran
In the picture, His Excellency, Dr. Alireza Kazemi Abadi, Ambassador of Iran.
An outstanding performance of visual arts, music, talent, and Persian tradition; it was a discovery for many and a new connection with Persian Culture. The Ambassador of Iran, His Excellency, Dr. Alireza Kazemi Abadi, brought to The Hague the Persian calligraphy master Mr. Seyed Hossein Fadaei for an exclusive performance and exhibition of his artwork at the Embassy premises.

The exhibition was open to the public for one week, ambassadors from many countries, diplomats, journalists, Dutch friends of Iran, and members of the diaspora attended in big numbers.
Ambassador Abadi welcomed his guests, and introduced Seyed Hossein Fadaei, during his speech, he talked about Iranian art expressions.

Seyed Hossein Fadaei is an Iranian artist who has studied industrial design at the University of Fine Arts. He teaches calligraphy and painting in his gallery in Ahwaz, while also working for the Ministry of Culture.

Ambassador Abadi said, “Fadaei, is a well-known artist in Iran, especially among the larger community of calligraphers and painters, and is considered as one of the leading calligraphers, following the traditional school of Persian calligraphy.” This outstanding visual arts exhibition honnored the Persian tradition alongside its talents, its colours, its flavours and its music.
“What we are aiming at here in this Iranian House, is to present a cultural dialogue, as we believe once different cultures meet each other they can, above political sensitivities, cherish the value of the human person and life and break stereotypes. One of the strongest messages we want to give across the audience of the exhibition is to show importance of culture and art in the life of Iranians.”
After the Ambassador speech, there was a live music performance by an Iranian duo and Persian dishes served for the guests. During the evening, the audience had the change to interact with Seyed Hossein Fadaei who also signed autographs. After The Hague, Iranian Letters exhibition also went to Maastricht, Munich and Paris.

Photography by Catherine Dailey.