By Roy Lie Atjam
Celebration of fifty years (Golden Jubilee) of the Independence of Bangladesh and also Bangladesh – Netherlands diplomatic relations on the 28th March 2022. An evening of Bangladesh – the Netherlands celebration, at the heart of The Hague.
H.E. Ambassador Riaz Hamidullah hosted a reception at the phenomenal Grote Kerk. Diplomats, dignitaries, international judges, public servants, distinguished Dutch friends, and Bangladeshi diaspora responded to the cordial invitation and attended the marvellous reception.

The guests enjoyed typical Bangladeshi hospitality, music, a video screening and an authentic Bangladeshi buffet topped off with a speech by Ambassador Riaz Hamidullah.
Here follows an extract of a statement issued by the Embassy of Bangladesh in the Netherlands ” it’s a modest opportunity to convey our gratitude for recognizing the ‘idea of Bangladesh’ within 2 month’s of her emergence out of a brutal War and Genocide. For standing thick and thin with a people five decades on – in rain, sun, storms.
To everyone from the Netherlands who joined us (and even who couldn’t), my gratitude.

It’s not just an evening to celebrate the journey in past five decades e.g. story of 70,000 Dutch tulips blossoming in Bangladesh soil thru ordinary farmers; 20 frames on display (out of the Embassy of Bangladesh in the Netherlands Deltares collaborative Photo Contest); crafts on display; AVs on screen; Journey of Amit Biswas (for his phenomenal Logo Land) or young Saraf N. (as President of Technische Universiteit Delft students body) illustrate a new level of friendship n collaboration.
All spoke of a people connecting with values-aspirations-resilience in Dutch people, irrespective of endowments or capacity.

Prof. Dr Jan Pronk‘s recollection of conversation with 🇧🇩 Father of Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, quote from a Bangladesh poet laureate, recollection of 1971 War-Genocide, portrayal of the vision (Sonar Bangla) in continuum – all portrayed of a treasured Dutch view of Bangladesh as our walk began.

Humbled to hear perspectives from Drs. Paul Huijts, Permanent-Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as he shared of Dutch approach/engagements with Bangladesh – at bilateral as well as global levels.
Celebration in Bangladesh is incomplete without music: so we presented 4 notable musicians and also a Dutch – all the way from Bangladesh. Through 2 Dutch songs + 1 Friesian + 4 melodies from Bangladesh we tried to pay tribute to all women-men and enterprises/entities for their friendship, collaboration, and support.
Let the sounds travel beyond walls, in tested and trusted ties between the two peoples. In celebrating empathy, harmony, inclusion for all people”.

Long live Bangladesh-the Netherlands friendship!
Joy Bangla!